Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Google has been hand eBay

 August 28, Google and eBay announced two sides reached a multi-year cooperation program, bilateral cooperation will involve text ads and click to call advertising. Only 3 months ago, eBay and Yahoo to establish strategic partnership The purpose is to counter the increasingly powerful Google, Google threatening to pay eBay in the field of electronic commerce and industry leadership. eBay and Google at the multi-year disruption to a strategic partnership with Yahoo. Now, just three months, eBay back again, to a certain extent, should also permit Ma said cooperation agreement and the image around in search advertising, online payments, co-branded toolbar, click to call ads feature both.
surface, eBay and Yahoo, a broader range of cooperation, more cooperation than with Google's online payment out of a co-branded toolbar with two aspects. This is understandable, after all, eBay to Google to enter the online payment area, introduced potential competition.
eBay and Yahoo, Google will also focus on search advertising to cooperate, but they have very clear boundaries. Google will become the eBay outside the United States the exclusive provider of text ads, but will Yahoo and eBay co-operation in the limited advertising in the United States.
in terms of click to call, eBay started with the cooperation of the two sides is almost exactly the same, all in order to better tap the click to call ads in this emerging e-commerce model potential. in accordance with the bilateral cooperation agreement in the near future, Skype will be available to download Google tool bar option, Skype will add a Google toolbar custom button. This cooperation is actually in the eBay and Yahoo Skype co-branded banner ads through Google also achieve the same kind of curve and cooperation.
so, eBay is actually important to Google and Yahoo put the position to cooperate. Now a simple geographical eBay, so that both Google and Yahoo Internet giants have become major partners in their own, to more extensive use of the resources brought by both.
eBay Why pick on Google
by eBay and Google advertising agreement reached between the parties is to facilitate allows buyers to reach a wider variety of sellers. now eBay is still unable to provide complete products to meet their needs. then need to Google to provide search results, users may have to point where the goods sold. surface Look, eBay may lose customers, the customer handed it over. but in fact not the case, because this part of the left eBay to continue through the Google search results to find the product customers, the original find eBay on the goods he needs, and eBay should have been part did not result in the loss of consumption. This is the genius of eBay, but trained to do so eBay consumers confidence that what the goods on eBay can be bought and effective types of goods to make up the shortfall.
but between Yahoo and Google, eBay Why pick on Google, and not already have a relationship of Yahoo? one aspect of advertising through co-operation agreement signed with Google, Google's instant messenger will draw over Gtalk , click to call ads in the development of added weight. Another aspect, taking into account Yahoo's e-commerce business and eBay there is a conflict, particularly outside the United States, if the use of Yahoo's search ads, more traffic will inevitably taken Yahoo's Web site, eBay eat a big loss. Of course Google search engine as the world's largest service providers, service providers can provide the rest mass can not search results will be compared with the one of the factors to consider.
In fact, we passed eBay Yahoo, Google's co-operation, found that eBay's Skype's cooperation in these two actually achieved with the Yahoo Messenger, Gtalk of the interconnection, so growth is not just click to call ads, also includes Skype software. rely on these two second marriage, Skype instant messaging software interoperability in the walk in the front, in the high-quality voice communications to do with the guarantee, Skype will have better prospects. (This article first YORK Chinabyte)

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