Friday, February 11, 2011

Hui futures in Zhengzhou, April 8 the Department of Early Assessment

 Hui futures in Zhengzhou, the Department on April 8 in the early assessment
Hui Jia Hui
R & D department of Zhengzhou Zheng sugar analysis:
As of the end of 2009, 3, 2008/09 sugar production of the country has a total sugar 1,127.52 tons (2007/08 sugar year production of sugar 1,252.05 tons), of which 1,038.09 million tons of sugar cane production (2007/08 sugar cane sugar production of 11,373,400 tons over the same period); produced 894,300 tons of sugar beet (2007 / 08 sugar beet sugar production of 1,147,100 tons over the same period). As of 2009 3 at the end, the sugar in a total sales of 5,529,100 tons of sugar, the sugar of less than the 2007/08 sugar year sales of 890,600 tons of sugar, total sales rate of 49.04% sugar (sugar of the same period 2007/08 51.27%).
Sugar Association briefing, according to customs statistics, in February 2009 the export volume of China saccharin, 1-February 486.95 tons total export volume of saccharin 1,339.37 tons. According to the National Collaborative group of sweeteners, as of 2 at the end, the national total production of the five designated companies saccharin 981.35 tons, down 56.1%; total exports of saccharin 1,102.88 tons, down 43.67%; total domestic saccharin 352.59 tons, an increase of 42.78%; end inventory 706.8 tons, down 76.65%.
ICE Futures U.S. raw sugar futures ended modestly 7, affected by the external market, raw sugar futures prices pared gains in the vicinity of resistance. ICE market in 2009 May raw sugar futures rose 1 point to close at 12.23 cents / pound, raw sugar futures ended in July rose 3 points to close at 12.88 cents / lb. ICE raw sugar 6 7 early in the set of 11 week low above the lingering conflict in May under a contract of 12.15 cents / lb session lows after the sell-off approach to promote the sugar industry accounts futures higher. In the May contract at 12.39 cents / pound near, the occurrence of speculative technical selling, not because of raw sugar futures through $ 12.40 / lb resistance. this impact, raw sugar futures prices fall modestly higher end.
0909 contract technically Zheng sugar tested again 3730 yuan to 3750 Element range support requirements, short-term range is still the main shock for the 3830-3730 yuan, technically short-term downward trend. days of speculation there is resistance at 3,830 yuan or more. Today Pupil watershed in 3730 yuan, 3810 yuan in popularity watershed . short-term upside strong resistance at 3880 yuan, the key downside support at around 3750-3730 yuan. days if a firm break point of 3,880 yuan 3,820 yuan resistance is the role of speculative space when a single note of market risk. day break more than 3860 yuan more than the short-term risk of inducing long there, too blind to recover more technically appropriate action. (Jia Hui)
Cotton Analysis:
U.S. Department of Agriculture weekly crop report, as of April 5th week, the U.S. cotton crop was 4%, compared to a great fall for the same period in 2008, compared to 7%, five-year average is 8%.
ICE Futures U.S. cotton futures rose 7, Cotton rose to eight-week high last week, the market consolidation, and traders said, despite the overbought on cotton, but may only be in the range of trading. Benchmark May cotton rose 0.05 of cents per pound 47.08 cents, in trading between 46.55-47.65 plate cents. The contract closed at $ 47.60 3 for the spot month contract early in February to the highest level of .7 of cotton rose 0.05 cents to 47.91 cents per pound. < br> Cotton 0907 exceeded 12,650 yuan contract to accelerate the rise thereafter resistance, multi-targeting 13,500 yuan upward near the mid-level resistance in the short term will continue to be strong. Today, the watershed in the long and short technology 12,520 yuan, 12,700 yuan in popularity watershed. days of 12,700 yuan shock over the high side movements, short days, greater resistance on the upside in the vicinity of 13,000 yuan; days do not look in the air above 12,720 yuan, 12,700 yuan if the below is looking down from 12,550 to 12,520 yuan around technical support. (Jia Hui)
Ales analysis:
U.S. Department of Agriculture released the latest report Counsellor in 2009, Russian grain production less than 1,300 tons in 2008, about 9,500 tons. winter cereals sown area increased by more than 1.6 million in 2008 hectares, production could be equivalent to or higher than 2008 levels in 2008. The report is expected in 2009 production was 5,800 tons of Russian wheat, more than the record 2008 levels by 9%. barley production will be reduced by nearly 20%, about 1,900 tons. maize production will decrease by 7% to 600 million tons, due to lower yields. oat production will be reduced by 8% to 400 million tons. The report said the cut was mainly due to grain sown area decreased slightly and the spring cereals yields. Another American Business Association of North America and flour a report released recently said the U.S. soft red winter wheat in 2009/10 production is estimated at 407 million bushels, less than 34% in 2008. the same period, soft white wheat production was 1.93 billion bushels, compared 2008, a decrease of 2%. The U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2009, all wheat plantings are expected than in 2008 decreased by 7% to 5,863.4 million acres.
7 U.S. wheat futures closed down, the pressure from the external cover of the market U.S. hard red winter wheat crop with spring frost will damage the crop concerns. Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) 5 May wheat closed down 17 1 / 4 cents to close at 5.39 3 / 4 dollars / bushel, Kansas City Exchange (KCBT) 5 May wheat closed down 13 cents, to close at $ 5.90 / bushel. Minneapolis Exchange (MGE) 5 May wheat ended down 7 1 / 2 cents to close at 6.61 3 / $ 4 / bushel.
ale 0909 contract rally weak shocks is expected to continue to test resistance around 2,160 yuan. Today, the watershed in the long and short 2,160 yuan, 2,140 yuan in popularity watershed. short-term shocks rally above the 2,140 yuan treatment, days of 2140 See, above the speculative element, with key resistance at 2,160 yuan file; if short-term weakness is below 2,140 yuan, technology will continue to be consolidation in 2130 yuan shock near the support, then one should note that more than speculative market risk, the current operation in the short term trend is uncertain environment mainly speculative transactions. (Jia Hui)
brief review of other varieties:
gold: precious metals consultancy GFMS released by the optimistic expectations to promote the New York Mercantile Exchange (COMEX) gold Prices closed higher on Tuesday. Investors in the company before the earnings announcement season sought a safe haven, but also the driving force of gold higher. Shanghai Gold 0906 technical bearish short-term contracts, 3 to 8 days after the market rebounded further down short-term requirements . 201 yuan more than the technical analysis shows strong resistance has been the short-term effect on the market outlook was too optimistic about a rebound in space is not appropriate, should be wary of rebound in the formation of The main technical support for the next file. is expected to have rebounded today, the test resistance around 195.80 yuan, but further up the space.
Shanghai copper: 0907 Intermediate Contract strong resistance at around 40,000 yuan, 34,550 yuan or more are expected to maintain short-term bulls in strong technically need a strong shock consolidation requirements. short break and after a firm resistance of 34,600 yuan, 38,000 yuan or more upstream targeting, technology shocks are expected to show rising trend overall. days, more than 35,150 yuan temporarily bearish speculative operations; short-term security line more than a single position in the 35,100 yuan, below are near the support will be dropping as 34,400 yuan.
0909 soybean contract short-term range-bound consolidation, expected today, more than 3570 yuan will remain range bound in the run up and down the space limited days for more than 3590 yuan a firm speculative high side movements. short below 3590 yuan 3570 yuan, after dropping as near the support will then need to pay attention more than a single speculative market risk. days or more should not be close to 3,680 yuan more than the blind pursuit operations .
0909 soybean oil contract in 6590 yuan more than is technically required for multi-consolidation will be high today is expected to consolidate the strength of the main shock. days of 6590 yuan or above the high side of speculative movements, should not be blind to see more than 6590 yuan air operations. technically strong short-term resistance at around 6,800 yuan, 6,580 yuan or more can hold more than a single short-term, but the days of the test below the 6,580 yuan 6,480 yuan will be down near the technical support, will need to pay attention more than a single speculative market risk.
0909 soybean contract in 2840 yuan more than is technically required for multi-consolidation in 2820 yuan is expected to be above today's high consolidation strength of the main shock. days of 2840 yuan or above the high side of speculative movements, air operations should not be blind to see; technically strong short-term resistance at around 3,000 yuan, 2,830 yuan or more can hold more than a single short-term, but the days of the test below 2830 yuan 2780 yuan will be down near the technical support, will need to pay attention more than a single speculative market risk. 2950 yuan more than the current operation blindly chasing short-term and more appropriate.
of: research and development in the Zhengzhou Futures Hui Jia Hui

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