Sunday, December 26, 2010

Social networking sites and virtual reality game world

 I listen to the radio that day, I heard that network and another cottage happy version of the happy network of Bo courtroom, to realize that happy net, feeling a bit outdated, but understand, found that I have good, at least not through the virtual online world raised in their friends, steal other people's things to make yourself happy, social, and different people in the establishment of contacts, if things are virtual, people are virtual, love is virtual, I can not accept a little bit, you need to comfort in the side when he needs to be encouraged, when in need of support when you can get.
real life, there are so difficult to get friends to do, yet so hard to do?
I have a female Friends has maintained contacts last ten years, it is like to know I'm too old teeth are gone, we can chat, think about the previous time.
forward since: Cross site makes me happy I worry < br> 2009-5-21 China Human Resources Development Portal
web2.0 online communities (also known as representatives, between users share their latest developments, mood and photos, or a friend as a community really has changed our lives fun, but also our lives caused great distress, misappropriation off every day a lot of time, let us out of touch and real life to a staggering degree, the following From facebook to twitter to see happy and then the 3 network's true addiction monologue it.
1. get rid of the shackles of
narrator happy network: New Express reporter honey snow
many friends for his kind invitation , coupled with curiosity, I also can not help but listening to music, share thoughts with friends; to friends as , Ferrari, Rolls Royce everything, reality can not afford, we bought the Internet fun is also OK; towering building from the ground, , Country House is not a dream, all kinds of furniture, furnishings and appliances around the house decorated for a unique, pleasing; happy network also recently added a try farming taste, enjoy country pleasures; to pay a and time consuming. so ; even my mom opened a small, now drive a BMW z4. I have to work harder! clinging to the computer to buy ; virtual friends It quit!
But even with such determination, had only insisted on the first attempt failed in three days. these three days is still used to think the r to make money, . to see a friend is still bored with high-spirited, if not steal, and my heart felt very lost, and if something is not online, always feel flustered itchy. minutes will harvest around eyeing a large group of colleagues staring at my food then. stolen away, actually it was less than 5:00 to come and steal my food. is a currently popular online games, popular among white-collar workers in the city a stunning degree.
ownership of a virtual community in the house, along with the virtual garden. Then, how you can buy in the store seeds of various plants, including potatoes, carrots, roses, snow lotus, Ganoderma lucidum, etc., will be waiting to harvest the seed species to the garden. Once the plants mature, in a battle to defend the crops began: If there is no time to harvest, then the fruit will be friends and to sell them stolen money. Of course, your friends can steal the fruit.
As the
in a software company serving Miss Zhang is an example. middle of the night, she often appeared on the Internet, then the Internet will be the same friend found her true If late, the Internet, will be friends asked, is to steal food r, l, right? vegetable crops can become mature after a stealer, you can double steal, really well-developed r a l. Even by the alarm to get up to , if the day could not get online, but will also distraught. Let her feel sad is that he appeared in sleep disorders. do not go out, it still can not sleep, always thinking about home houses people tossing and turning.
Because of this, Miss Chang sleep well at night, during the day naturally ������, work is always distracted, the efficiency of natural is not high. These days, because the play a result of sleep disorders, symptoms of neurasthenia, and she can not concentrate at work, work has appeared in two errors. Although not a big error, but the point has been the boss name. psychology experts also pointed out that play ; happy network do not pay enough attention to in time, become obsessive-compulsive disorder, treatment, and difficult to increase.
3. quit facebook, I have the time to write this story
Narrator: Tut
facebook 5 years old this year. I was late for facebook users. A year ago, 47-year-old I signed up for facebook accounts, the young man began to try to use the network tools used to. When I told the 16-year-old daughter cell lace that I signed up for facebook, she cried and begged me not to use this tool. but when she discovered I really do want to join facebook, she asked me to promise not to add her as a friend on facebook. At that time I did not know what it means, so I agreed. Last week, she finally relieved, because I quit facebook.
obsession facebook year, I sat in front of the computer to go to work every day, constantly thinking about how to modify the brain My facebook home page of the They upload the photos.
not on the facebook private space to speak of. into the facebook equivalent agreed to receive a lot more junk e-mail mm friends, receive more spam. facebook become empty, has become a lonely place on the Internet. here is full of annoying noise, everyone is nonsense, but you have to receive the noise.
Finally one day, I wake up. What? me how to become like this? kinds of fun component; bye, Tom.
Dear facebook friends before, and I will miss you refer to every home in the kitchen, tasty food; I will miss the beach and the city streets of snow sunrise each photo; I will miss you in each name on facebook, miss you travel abroad each recorded segment.
course, if I did not quit facebook, I can not write this report on facebook, because I did not have time! remember the past In the time wasted on facebook, think of those times could have done much work, earn a lot of money, do more meaningful things, such as helping the local animal protection agencies, or provide food for the homeless, it does I am very frustrated.
I am that the group exists in the virtual world was fascinated, and even facebook components installed on the BlackBerry, so you can know which child will be the first time I added as friends. I is so fascinated that neglect the true friends around!
I will return to real life graffiti wall wanting to be my friend, buy me a cup of beer.
4. twitter Let me out of touch with reality
Narrator: combination of mixed traffic, and we posters Network's and people.
twitter launched in 2006, and achieved great success. Last year, twitter community to expand by 900% to 500 million the number of users. twitter received from venture capitalists financing of $ 35,000,000. more celebrities twitter explosion of red, both Britney Spears (britney spears) that real-life stars, there are more than Snoopy and other movie stars and members of the United States Congress.
I was addicted to twitter, like the famous writer. her twitter on about her pet dog, her dinner and her friends, and sometimes comes to twitter itself, I really like these. receipt of this information, I felt as if she had to in my eyes, like bright sun shining down on me. This made me temporarily forget the joy of the identity of her suspicions.
However, I am more interested in the lives of famous writers, the more their lack of interest in life. I told her pet dog, and friends concerned about the dinner was even higher than their all! I fully focus to excuse for work.
some people can be well controlled on the twitter of the time, but I can not, so I had to quit my , and not always thinking about what I love the writer what to eat breakfast today. But I began to worry about her, her twitter how to get rid of it? whether she would continue to show their importance twitter? If I can give her the information, I will tell her: Remember, no twitter, life is still worthwhile to continue

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