Monday, December 20, 2010

New authoritarianism and the historical roots of the New Left (reproduced continued)

Third, the new generation of leftist thought mechanisms and performance characteristics of
Wang Hui does not like to call him the new left, but like the others encomienda as a to the title shows the Western academic critical theory and social criticism to undertake the traditional movement. the Frankfurt School,UGG bailey button, as the main representative of the Western critical theory was introduced to the 80 mainland China, when quite a number of related papers and translations published. The reason it was not a theory of choice for young intellectuals, mainly due to Zhao Deng Hu's reform and opening up policy under the system in middle-aged intellectuals inspired the desire for policy design rather than the more critical consciousness, and they are without adhering to the theory of reference only. [9] is only 90 years into an increasingly popular until after the critical theory, sport pilot, but it might just be the tail of such movements. Frankfurt School's longstanding Sports tail ideological resources, such as after the failure of exile, the beam has launched a cultural characteristics of the Chinese people or the said group of but only after the failure of his political reform on the feeling of, and with a certain self-liberation in this. first of the failure of the Hundred Days Reform from the conservative ruling group and its internal contradictions in the search, then review and reform camps should be their own quality defects and mistakes on the strategy and tactics. but Liang did not start from these areas, but blame the family of evil people. When Liang is based on the theory of ethnic political line of defense improved, Chen and other advocates and participants as the revolution is the dismissive. However, when the Revolution when the results are captured Yuan, a former revolutionaries have failed to follow the further beyond the political reformers, became a critical feature of traditional Chinese culture as a national believer in the theory. Chen Lu Xun thinkers like the introduction of believer; introduction to this theory, the ruling Kuomintang politicians argue played tutelage, the party banner of governance in the implementation of political tutelage, the party system of governance, Chen, Lu Xun is not only critical national evil has not been modified , but was consolidated and strengthened. [10]
1905 after the failure of the Russian revolutionary movement in Russia appears intellectuals of the published in the markings intellectual history, clearing the radical Russian intellectuals in the tradition of liberalism and the revolutionary movement that has just repent the past and instead praised the one extreme, to Lenin led the Bolshevik Party shifted from their original social democratic populism criticized, from the pursuit of common sense, the pursuit of political democracy to dictatorship of the proletariat as the real ]
Yan Jin and Qin Hui repeatedly reminded people, the Russian state of mind the 1900s and 1990s, the Chinese mainland state of mind have striking similarities. Indeed, one can see in China today: on the one hand, marketization as the goal of 80 mainstream thinking in China and its successors in the 90's formed a pincer attack trend. a mass political movement after the ruling focused on the political lessons learned from the exercise of the loser is focus from the ideology and culture, ideology to find a cause, digging roots, trying to circumvent the political obstacles to a new path, which is a common occurrence in the history of the landscape.
to the Collected Works of Wang Hui in relations, ethnic relations, political relations, urban-rural relations, the relationship between nature and man, etc.) equal kinds of discussions can be regarded as the 'neo-liberal' is widely criticized. political injustice and political inequality? Why ? even if the inconvenience to positive criticism, could not even express the way through the twists and turns are so difficult about it? Molecular reason to go.
fact, the An important part, perhaps the chief theoretical; some of the theory of Wang Hui is not denied that his allies are left, for example, equality cultural theory articles for a later stage for a review of global capitalism provided a clue, intellectual framework of the Enlightenment challenged the system global expansion. so , former socialist countries to pursue international routes gradually fade out the stage of history, China's open policy shifted from a one-way opening up opening another way, toward the Western Open. Nothing 5, 1999 May 8, NATO (U.S.) aircraft bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia the international response more telling: in the United Nations emergency meeting to discuss the bombing issue, not only on the side of the Western alliance, and the third world and China's traditional allies are unwilling to make basic solidarity. China can not be like the country's foreign aid accounted for only 1% of national income). As for the dilemma of China's diplomacy in 1999, attributed to Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic line with, not as China's foreign policy line of the 90 amendments re-reflection. so-called program vulnerable groups in developing countries can not really benefit from. from the 1960s to the 1990s, developed countries hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid into the elite in developing countries (Marcos, Mobutu, Suharto and his ilk) pockets lessons should not be easily forgotten.
fast time, economists and some cultural commentators revel in the East Asian model of capitalism and Confucianism, for the seriousness of this crisis coming and a complete lack of response capabilities. global crisis itself on the 'neo-liberalism' in constitute a sharp challenge ideology. ? early 30's Stalin proposed a ; critical intellectuals ;; Instead, it includes China, including the new authoritarian Suharto disappeared from the stage of history.
recent years, people often find the New Left, Old Left and New Right views on unanimously, opposed to such as the development of military buildup, advocating economic nationalism in terms of number of delegates [13]. China's new authoritarianism, while not rejected the reform of the SME market from which capture interests, but will never give up authoritarianism grew out of the soil can only be a monopoly-type crony capitalism. Russia's Liberal Democratic Party political group leaders Sayyaf Linsky said: Russia is not to establish a free market economy, but rule, such a system in the former Soviet Union had been formed. After the collapse of the Soviet Communist Party, it just changed the doors to, like, like a snake molting. capitalism [14] Wang Hui, knowing all this, but the attitude of such a prospect seems to have been very ambiguous. He seems fair to say: in particular, the specific political / economic structures ,...... the best we can based on a rational choice for them to filter and judge. The focus is not awareness. several decades of practice has fully proved that the expense of freedom and true equality can not be exchanged only in order to win on the basis of freedom of equality of opportunity gradually from the results of equality; urban-rural dual structure, the unit social and the people's commune system did not narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, instead of an East Asian countries in the unique is to solve the most in need of such freedom and human rights. free movement of labor is not a laissez-faire, but a wide range of institutional arrangements, it must strive to eliminate the unequal structure of the system (not just the hukou system) as a precondition. labor contract freedom (we can free migration for example) not only China's problems, it is also seen as a market measure of whether the arrangement of the contemporary world is a real free market arrangements, one of the main criteria. not as a the scope of free migration, internal migration requires freedom, freedom of contract labor is the performance of liberal hypocrisy. This is no doubt that, if you can not enjoy the intellectuals social protection movement , but insisted, real essence of Western socialism, nor out of or privilege, ; critical intellectuals problems, and both sides of the earth have 'coolie work' in the background, said the sale of the West want to be left-wing theory advanced wiles of the 'new left', also qualify. but have read about you and Cui Zhiyuan, new left 'issue written statement, but my mind was hold back Mende Huang. is' New Right 'have deducted a' new left 'in the hat, there is nothing remarkable? to suspicious mind, a gentleman of the abdomen, was worried' the right 'high officials are proud of the dynasty, a' left 'the word mind is not comfortable? not feeling good is not comfortable to keep the Chinese people in the eyes of scholars that point in the tradition of the' noble 'and backbone, which dignitaries to Zhigu psychological feelings, and not the underlying interests of the people co, confidently declared loudly: rampant in the world right now, when a leftist is glorious it? On intellectuals on their departure from the current Western social criticism movement Left . U.S. so-called For the pursuit of freedom of expression and public discussion and struggle, there is no critical thinking of the possibility of living space and the democratic political freedom ....... Any relegated to a secondary topic or false way, must be refused. front, the formation of liberal intellectuals in China (either right or left) and anti-liberal democratic forces confront? should be said that the initiative in this area rests in the hands of the new left. Liberals have been the new authoritarianism as a major opponent, with the new but the controversy left a compelling counter-attack, after all, no one wants to freedom against democracy theoretical and practical point of view, the left and right in China today were differences lies the fundamental issue of democracy. under the conditions of the relevant market democracy struggle. br> prejudice against the democratic theory of freedom and the argument is meaningful manner. ; a text. However, this is expressed Liu willed and deliberate misinterpretation.
Liu's article pointed out: pure democracy is a central feature of the principle of majority decision. However, once the majority has absolute power, the power to become everything , although this time of democracy, but not free. American democracy and the French Revolution that from both positive and negative: the majority of the democratic majority can indeed transformed into dictatorship. to establish not only the majority could agree upon is a rational, peaceful elected government, and the same may be the towering scaffold. liberals have always maintained that freedom than democracy, democracy is but a means of freedom. Democracy is the ruler of the people can replace the peace process, is Conservative freedom and internal peace for all as a useful tool. democracy is not only the number of the sovereign's head, but also in the way of the use of power. the pursuit of democracy and freedom can only be the pursuit of the path edge to get; if only to give up the freedom to pursue democracy can lead to slavery and tyranny. [18] From these words simply can not reproduce the concerned about how to criticize others, so forget that he himself in . Voltaire, Diderot, and so have lobbied as a prerequisite. But the French Revolution, the British Chartist movement and the rise of Jacksonian America, liberalism and democracy segment to become less important, both the gradual integration into liberal democracy. Of course, the expansion of freedom is a gradual process, the realization of mass democracy has experienced a long struggle. For example, women's right to vote as late as the 20th century it became a democratic outcome is the World War II, French women obtained the right to vote back. Today, even the extreme liberal will not openly oppose the  prerequisite for democracy, is the moment of Western liberal democracy and the common bottom line of social democracy; differences between these two claims lies solely in the parliament and government that can be determined through the democratic process areas, individual liberty and public welfare What limits should be divided, such as how to determine the boundaries of private property rights effectively.
also be pointed out that the scope of democracy is limited, it can not go beyond freedom, can not prevent a small number of people (minorities) and Human Rights. When the rampant Chinese nationalism, the proposed by absolute power.
who 'will be the radical political reform in the 1980s, program changes in order to establish private property for the center of the' constitutional movement ', which is the essence of the legislative process through the distribution relationship between the legalization of irrational, including the illegal public assets will denied legalization. From this historical perspective, the relationship between social equality and democracy is an inevitable negation of a. The so ......, basically censorship on political, national and democratic issues of. early, have stressed the central constitutional question is a is a good thing, but it need not rely on non-hands to grab it from the liberal banner to survive. As for the new left to the struggle for democracy, is the ulterior motive of. There is no doubt that only when the role; also the only way that it is possible to establish with the liberal theory against the new authoritarian allies. However, the hope go of hope, the reality owned by the reality. the future relationship between the liberals and the New Left can only depend on how the goodwill of the parties and motives.
20 th century has been the in wrote: While emphasizing their home system and support the theory advocated by the democratic factors have spared no effort. ; under the banner of you?
Although Gan Yang said that China's new left is the 90's the result of differentiation of liberal intellectuals, but Wang Hui seems to so-called appreciate the meaning This is the way the Wuzhi tried substituting one concept Debate each other against the ; direct democracy and indirect democracy groups, , the latter to express their democratic rights, democratic participation in different areas. in the usual sense of the modern democracy is indirect democracy, that is representative democracy; it is different from the Greek, Roman Square democracy, different from the Legislature and Administration, public opinion representatives of non-professional of the granted direct democratic elections, not by hundreds of elite self-organization granted the election meeting. Hong Kong SAR Government is not a general sense of democratic government, because two-thirds of the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council is not directly elected by voters ; the same time the Council does not enjoy those boards generally have the power, such as the removal or impeachment of the Chief Executive, heads of administrative departments such decisions. indirect democratic system of course need the public's democratic participation, especially as reflected in the country (central and local) levels of direct elections. Wang Hui that level. This is really individual's democratic rights, including democratic elections, democratic management and democratic supervision. Not only should make every workshop director, production team leader responsible for production, find ways to make each of the workers and peasants, and some are responsible for production, find a way. range of leaders. aimed at promoting and implementing internal democratic management Houfu Te doctrine, relying on the creativity of workers to achieve economic efficiency. Angang Constitution. 'ownership' of the 'economic democracy' really are. 'Cultural Revolution' end to end in tears. However, this does not mean that Mao's 'Cultural Revolution' theory does not contain significant beyond orthodox Marxism-Leninism, but also does not mean 'great democracy' the masses of working people, economic democracy and political democracy is elusive. 'great democracy' is not entirely the cause of hair, most of his political legacy ...

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