Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ukraine will detect the dioxin contamination of imported produce

 Dioxin is a colorless, odorless, toxic fat-soluble substances in a serious, often tiny particles in the atmosphere, soil and water, the major source of pollution is a chemical metallurgical industry, waste incineration, paper and the production of pesticides and other industries. This substance not only can cause serious skin disease, and can cause cancer.

Ray Branch office, said Germany's dioxin contamination of feed, food safety issues raised, so will the health sector Ukraine rigorous testing food and do everything possible to rule out polluting products, so that citizens do not hurt.

Ray Branch office, we will carefully check all imported agricultural products, if any suspect, the product will be immediately sent to the laboratory testing whether dioxin British or toxic materials. He said that Ukraine has to detect dioxin research and other toxic substances in equipment.

Ukrainian head of state health care institutions of any Division Ray January 20, 2011, said the country will imports of agricultural products dioxin pollution detection.

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