Monday, October 18, 2010

from belong to this world's problems

 From belong to this world's problems, rather than natural phenomena. As awareness of the human brain is too advanced, so the instinct is always lost on other animals. Usually we rarely see dead bodies of animals and birds died of natural causes, at most, is being seen killed, injured, or bitten by cats and dogs, rarely have died of natural causes. Where are they? More control over life with self-awareness, the more exhausted the life of animals even birds, can predict the time, know when to die, so others can not find a place to hide to hide. They do not ideology, so the death as is normal; since not fear death, we can even infer that they must also know where to go next life. So long as the force is not Shouzhu natural death, they must know their birds will be where to go, thus hiding their bodies in advance. Human fear of death, older children come from? Where to go next life,Bailey UGG boots, nature is unknown. With the ideology of human love, in the context of the performance of some very capable, very powerful, and arrogant, claiming to be of all. But from the whole of life, but it is very poor. Any animal in its natural instincts, which can naturally over a lifetime, and human beings? Every effort to protect all aspects of their own, and gradually break off relations with nature, living completely under control in the human, but is bound themselves, more and more pain. In accordance with the previous analysis we know that when human life is more awareness of his own master, the life the more exhausted. When the good times may also feel good, but when adversity will continue to ask ourselves when and why to live so hard, why should tie ourselves to be so dead? The so-called modern, efficient, tricks of life, in fact, tied their rope. The other hand, those who do not plan, no tricks of life is comfortable, barrier-free, although there will be some losses, but in the process of growth is the necessary cost. Which is generally difficult to understand the contradictions, but if the calm and think about it, human beings are indeed living in an artificial framework too, but they can not escape. Now we encountered a variety of personnel for the state to talk about how to play the other hand. Is this related to the opening verse mentioned by the Do not think that is hidden in the scriptures, it definitely exists in everyday life. It will not be as esoteric as the theory of relativity, that is what the experts. The more is the supreme Buddha, is even more deeply, the more subtle method, the more people's lives. Do not let words fool you. Supreme does not mean it in the top of Jade Mountain, the peak in the Himalayas, there is no higher than it. For such a law, how can we know it? Ji Wen said: Since they are exhausted in every corner of life, we can, in turn, from every corner of the return to our own nature come from? Now the problem is not that the law in any place, method, before our eyes, do not look for another. For example, the cup, we have seen, but if you do not understand it, it is always just a cup, world, people do not know how to return to the outer edge of the Self in the past. The question now is how to come back. Like to see the cup, to be as willing beings, how how, according to his heart set into the realm of the formula. This one hundred forty-one big wish, in fact, a model to provide a reference for us, in any place can be used. Would like the text as the example: to the situation, to rely on themselves to fill you to view from to end. The phenomenon of life, whether human, natural, the universe can be, or their own thoughts, emotional changes, in short, to keep to the training. If always pay attention to training normally, then when the state is before the time, what right and wrong, success or failure, praise or criticism, the stakes are nothing, because they had been. Changes in migration flows are not volatile, but the illusion of the impermanence of this world are often faster than the nature of impermanence, saying: At this level, the move to talk about impermanence flow changes, you might also be felt, but this argument was not whether the Dharma. The impermanence of things is not the case moved to the stream, that change is not called the migration flow of impermanence, but only an illusion, because the material itself is not moving stream. Most people would think that age, after two decades must be non-existent, so now young adults, twenty years later it will become old, the young prime of life is no longer here, twenty years ago, young people activities, it does not exist, so we say that it is impermanent, is moved to flow changes. But you have not thought about these are just illusion, the reality is that twenty years ago, things to stay in the twenty years ago, it will not come here; the current situation will only stay in the present, it will not return to twenty years ago, would not the two years, and two years later, it will not come now. Phase is not such a thing would have moved to permanent rather than flow? The past is that the situation is the situation now, but the future is another situation. You look at the flowers in full bloom when the situation will always remain in bloom, flowers will always remain grateful to spend time where Xie, they are always there, but we all are, such as the mist in a dream Which involves the concept of advanced mathematics and calculus, that is, when all unbundled, and the decomposition of very fine after that point in that place, which is in this place. Such as electricity, when the plug in the power, our feeling is that electricity has come, in fact, electricity did not come, it is only in the conductor on the use of the domino theory, the method of mutual shock vibration, one by one hit over. They are still in the same place and did not move, which is Look at the waves, calm waters in the original cast a stone, will immediately set off a ripple, we all thought wave is gradually goes out from the center, but in fact the water did not go, just look at it in the local move, all is our illusion. When we connect the resident when the feel is dynamic, but this is only an illusion. Members of the observation is not enough fine, so it sounds would be more difficult, but fine from profound meditation in the past. Afraid to talk with the ideology of Buddhism, of course, concerned with ideology, it is generally more acceptable, but the real depth of meaning can not. Changes to flow just in terms of reception, we all remain in the the world. Now the people of the past no longer exists, but there are ways back to the supernatural, things move out of the past, showing that it is the resident's. Our eyes meet again, but it but obviously there, where it really exists? This is not the brain can imagine, that is an incredible place. We now come to lecture, and left the house, do home is gone? Home or in, as long as you can go back home to remain. Of course, we want to go home is no problem, this is just the space of physical phenomena, but the older son and the time between this life prolonged. To the physical condition of the world is concerned, we have no way back, but if from another space,UGG bailey button, which is another capability, then it has a solution. So To the contrary, the knowledge is itself in the original for comparison, is a kind of amending the law we now see from this level to understand that Speaking here, you may think, it seems like just about everything from everyday life to is not as irrelevant. Tell you, absolutely relevant. Talking about Scripture, we first explore this theory. This amending legislation is called Manjusri is the wisdom of the first, where he made a practice mode. Most people just chant this product is by amending the law itself, but in amending the law, we must also understand from the view. Although the practice is still included in the law to beg you, plus being, praise, waited in vain for adding Steal channeling text view, but these are rituals, so that we increase the confidence only, not essential, the most important is the ability to simulate this method, application in daily life. So if this method is marble, which in many phenomena can break through the existing ideological constraint. But to go beyond this part, you must first prepare the ground, seeing color, heard the sound, six contact with Liu Chen realm, whether it is artificial, natural, the universe, or karma caused by polymerization of various setbacks and problems, from the environment to be able to view through the external into the realm of the inner state of mind. For example, the Scripture says, was when the food should be The meaning of the text on the matter yet, we start with the conversion state of mind. Both the food, there must be no food, it is relative, but in this relatively law into harmony if they want to, you must For envy is not to say no anyway, no good food, casual eat are the same. This is called depression, it will distort the nature of mind, and it is still relatively law. Food, no food is a relative method, is the Saha world, but to the Because this time no longer are, and no good or bad, so eating anything with the blind (the same taste, no smell, not the same.) Want anyone to eat anything else feel the same delicious, satisfied, not to compare. In fact, since students feel are their own, and we feel good is not good reason, all individuals in comparison with their own. Just when you think good things, more food will be more complex, if more back to the original look and feel different. So, eating is good or bad is relative to the comparison itself is not more than you and I, even I feel better than others to eat, that is a transfer of its own, appears to be outside in comparison with others, but it is still his heart in the comparison. However, if compared with the external, to the contrary, the knowledge to compare the original is in the words of its own, this is a repair method. Diet is just personal feelings, how others eat someone else to do, like some people like to eat durian, it was his favorite, there are a lot of people do not like to eat durian, that is his personal feeling, nothing to do with the durian? The reason why people would find food or not food, is purely subjective ideology, there is opposition there is a difference, when you did not, respectively, when the opposition, it do not matter. To observe from the outside world, into the opposite state of mind does not tell us that Manjusri opposition from the outside world to observe. Now, no matter that the world is good or bad, is the earthly realm, or bliss, must take the opposite turn of mind is not mutually exclusive. But how to turn it? Are generally taught that in this corrupt world is not good, should samvega, Paradise well and should go. In this way, Saha and bliss is opposed. If you do not Saha, and to come to the bliss, even if you really come to paradise, the paradise is still Saha, because it is just relative to the corrupt world a better place only. We want to say should be beyond bliss, neither Saha, nor is the realm of bliss. Saha and the concept of bliss completely disappeared, and we place the same in the original, the key lies in the concept of change, this time you will find that their quality of life has changed; in emergency situations will be able to see the real kung fu, Lin Mingzhong only when the masters, because you have firm confidence, ideas. Do not underestimate these ten words, ten things, this is only a representative, slowly expanding the amount of the heart will be comprehensive gradually enhanced. If that is not enough, there are one hundred forty-one Scripture can be simulated, for you to fill in, do it, to think, this is the line of the door, that is, practice. The lives of others just as the natural flow of behavior and ideology, but beyond that we have because our thinking has long been implemented in real life surface and begin to find themselves footing. From here to determine their true colors, many of the areas they can be incredible to explore. But did not reach the absolute basis, this is the Samadhi law. As the world's edge, each of which can repair, too cumbersome or infrequently encountered, of course, does not fit. To own the most common and often the main event, so everyone start at the beginning not the same concept. This method of range, and selection is very comfortable, but not too much, but more difficult from the view, until capacity is increased, the quality of life after the change is before any state, can be imported, and can appreciate the true taste of France. Now the official view of Scripture. If you would like to have food when no sentient beings to meet their vow not envy for enriching food when ready access to all living beings did not dare taste Samadhi is experiencing good times, have food, eat good things. In fact, food can not be defined as the subjective awareness of each person is different from their own feelings. But anyway, when you eat something delicious, would like to have met. In particular, the text on this one would like in terms of, the monks come out of the way along the Sacramento bowl, as is the meal, the delicious food is And nothing of mind, respectively. But you have not thought about, if not the heart, respectively, how can they know is not food? Since the heart no difference, is not to eat that is the same stone and eat? So and so anti-push, since we know that food, it should mean that the heart is different? Do not think that people are numb practice, many people who think that Buddhism should not craving heart, so they give you what you eat anything. If so, Zhaiseng time to master the support not to casually Nongnong like it? Well anyway, were nothing! But in fact it is the best prepared to master. Is this not contradictory? Shows the basic concept was totally wrong. Practice is to let us live lively splash, and restored to life of natural, pure nature, not distort it; that what it looks like to make it natural to show it. That being the case, when the six state contact with Liu Chen, tongue contact with dust when the taste is good or not good, he should know. But for people in terms of practice, it is only a matter of personal problems, such as the Chinese like to eat with the Americans, the Indians do not like, like, this is from the living habits of the past, everyone will naturally choose their own like something to eat, it is simply instinctive play. Root key is to play out, the average person and like to use a knowledge of,Discount UGG boots, and often default to choose some cases, there is this restaurant so delicious, the restaurant situation is not good, with ideological to choose. The root of the current is directly receiving the former things, as good or parched, stop here, no follow-up response. If the delicious food and memorable again to fall into the knowledge of the. Modern business, advertising, and to inspire people in the know of, to expect the next target. Through the role of common sense, they'll start planning to be and not to the action, while the root contacted by Chen Jing for good or bad, this to a paragraph, but this does not mean this end, but has also changed. In practice people should be able to turn the heart border, in the past referred to should be to increase the enjoyment out of life energy. Otherwise, turn the heart Ruopi environment, it will only go to pay attention to what this brand of coffee? Why do you drink? Or how a cooking method? Completely Chenjing go. If the heart was transferred territory, have food, they will be envy For the next also. Beware able to turn environment, not greed of these, it If the heart was transferred territory, it means the heart, antagonistic environment, if the mind can turn when the environment, which is the heart and throughout one's time. In theory, the heart and the environment should be a double melt away, and do not exist, if there is a territory of the heart to turn the words to express the heart, or the opposite border. So this time, regardless of state of mind should blend, not feel their presence, this is the realm of Perfect Unity. Not only was the food delicious, taste has to be the law Samadhi. We can see a phenomenon, For envy, So whatever comes from the good times or bad import, to achieve the harmony of the situation, not confrontation. Have food and non food are mutually exclusive, they are no longer in the opposition into Mind. From good times to be Changes in migration flows are not volatile, but the illusion of the impermanence of this world

often faster than the nature of impermanence, saying: essentially too persistent. At this level, the move to talk about impermanence flow changes, you might also be felt, but this argument was not whether the Dharma. The impermanence of things is not the case moved to the stream, that change is not called the migration flow of impermanence, but only an illusion, because the material itself is not moving stream.

most people would think that age, after two decades must be non-existent, so now young adults, twenty years later it will become old, the young, middle-aged no longer come, the second Ten years ago, the activities carried out by young people, and now did not exist, so we say that it is impermanent, is moved to flow changes. But you have not thought about these are just illusion, the reality is that twenty years ago, things to stay in the twenty years ago, it will not come here; the current situation will only stay in the present, it will not return to twenty years ago, would not the two years, and two years later, it will not come now.

phase is not such a thing would have moved to permanent rather than flow? The past is that the situation is the situation now,UGG boots, but the future is another situation. You look at the flowers in full bloom when the situation will always remain in bloom, flowers will always remain grateful to spend time where Xie, they are always there, but we all are, such as the mist in a dream

Which involves the concept of advanced mathematics and calculus, that is, when all unbundled, and the decomposition of very fine after that point in that place, which is in this place. Such as electricity, when the plug in the power, our feeling is that electricity has come, in fact, electricity did not come, it is only in the conductor on the use of the domino theory, the method of mutual shock vibration, one by one hit over. They are still in the same place and did not move, which is Look at the waves, calm waters in the original cast a stone, will immediately set off a ripple, we all thought wave is gradually goes out from the center, but in fact the water did not go, just look at it in the local move, all is our illusion.

When we connect the resident when the feel is dynamic, but this is only an illusion. Members of the observation is not enough fine, so it sounds would be more difficult, but fine from profound meditation in the past. Afraid to talk with the ideology of Buddhism, of course, concerned with ideology, it is generally more acceptable, but the real depth of meaning can not.

changes in terms of just the moving stream, we have stayed in the because you can not know the past of the world. Now the people of the past no longer exists, but there are ways back to the supernatural, things move out of the past, showing that it is the resident's. Our eyes meet again, but it but obviously there, where it really exists? This is not brain can imagine, that is an incredible place.

We now come to lecture, and left the house, do home is gone? Home or in, as long as you can go back home to remain. Of course, we want to go home is no problem, this is just the space of physical phenomena, but the older son and the time between this life prolonged. To the physical condition of the world is concerned, we have no way back, but if from another space, which is another capability, then it has a solution. So

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