Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bad mood

Do a bad mood all the time that a loss like this
hate I hate myself like this
hum ~
own way as a few meters a second time for a second second daze
suddenly count wanted from this world before it
seclusion at a time when the total failure of their own to see so do not let others
clandestine see such a boring life of their own
happy I should not have only one know that this is not good
too concerned about the happiness in the growth of the trouble and loss will
knows this but still the result may be a trap since the fall to breed a boring monotone
do not want to hide
want to be crazy together thoroughly express your sadness and hi
But I got people who are not like that that can not be reserved beyond this straightforward
even here I express
so obscure I know I can not move forward step
really hope he can at the moment for the forces of boredom
depressed gently touch all the bad feelings are put aside
we will always be in a bad mood, right? temporarily forget the bad feelings have never had the troubles as well as bad?

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