Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reprinted Europe's most authoritative analysis of the 12 constellations

Europe's most authoritative analysis of the 12 constellations and every day -

-638596 | 3 |
space where students from the old saw this stuff , I feel quite interesting , but also very accurate, to reprint came , I heard that this analysis for the current most people are the most accurate . -
Subscribe to the reading room -

Monday, May 23, 2011


Suddenly become very fast time I know that the fall would have passed

campus life As the dull

occasionally think of yesterday's friends
do not think has been a long meet again Many of the letters received usual

few letters back to business as usual
may not have the time
may have nothing to say

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This woman is not worthy of life !

! ! Please read 】 【 reserved

This is a true story, mark a place called
1991 年 1 18, Su Li-year-old girl arrested for eating chicken, by her mother with a needle and yarn will be expanded mouth sewn, and kneeling washboard up to 1 hour long ... ... -
Two years later, March 10, 1993 at 1 pm, a small Suli died suddenly at his home ... ...

March 2, 1993 at noon, emaciated Gala Li Suli hiding in the corner, look with envy at his brother a year older than her arms like a baby lying on her mother. -
day from birth has been seen as the family of -
crouched in the corner of the small Suli, led his son locked the door and left. -
Lili tiptoe, from the small hole on the door looked at the mother and brother that affectionate look, tears Pusu Su to fall. She had a small hole in the door looking out, when she saw a neighbor rule aunt came, hastened to entreat the tone outwards shouting: Ye aunt looked at the porter
hanging locks, bent down, from a small hole in the door looking at Lily tears and blood stained little face, a burst of sorrow and grief in my heart. She sighed and asked: Ye aunt's eyes moist, and quickly turned around and went to the home. -
Ye have heard Aunt Lily footsteps away, immediately after the window and ran, holding hands on the cross bar in the window frames, Dianzhe feet look forward to. Soon, the rule of a bread aunt progression to the window, put a few mouthfuls of bread Lily swallowed the belly. Ye aunt looked at the wolf look like a helpless sigh, painfully reached into the window, in Lily's head touched ... ... -
Scottish Premier Yan Zhiyun and carrying the meat back. Lily looked at his brother in the hands of ice cream, listening to his gusto, sucking, and she licked his lips, could not help but direct swallowing. -
Looked at the mother faces fierce appearance, Lili is her back to that corner, squatted bowed our heads, the tears and get out of the aggrieved eyes. -
Yan Zhiyun selected some lean meat to fat oil into the pot boil. Bursts of tangy Meat, oil and incense hit, he kept Yan Zhao Lili hunger saliva. 5 years and a half, she never had the stomach to eat. -
by chance my mother out of the toilet, Lili no longer stand up to the temptation of that smell. She timidly moved step by step, the furnace side, greedily sucking the smell of the heat, then carefully picked up a piece of meat with a spoon residue, with trembling hands to his lips and gently blows, can not wait to sent the mouth, so fragrant ah! She licked his lips, and picked up a larger meat residue ... ... -
Yan Zhiyun a Jiuqi daughter's hair, forced to Lily's head hit the wall go - on the Lily, this is commonplace, and long experience told her that if Kuchu voice, the mom will play more fierce. She strongly Renzhaojutong, tears, despite her mother rampant. -
panting Yan Zhiyun his daughter brutally tortured for a while, still feel puzzled air. She suddenly saw the pan is boiling again grabbed Lily's hair, over the pages of the wrist, so that Lily first air, then Yeguo a rag around the Lily of the chest, with the thigh clamped Lili body, one hand pinching Lily's mouth open, one hand to scoop up a spoonful of hot lard, filling the mouth to Lily to ... ... -
Frenzied Yan Zhiyun his daughter's mouth pinched tight grip, and outflow of water from Lily mouth, bloody red hand of her mast, a bit off the ground, Lili struggled desperately in his mother lap ... ... -
evening meal in the mother and brother, Lily and as usual, carrying his bowl moved to the mother, since the small charred struggling out of his mouth softly: to eat. chewing meat. -
Lily helpless, step by step, and moved to the corner, squatting on the ground, with dirty hands gently stroked the lips and chin pain, tears, to rolling down ... ... -
second and third ... ... the seventh day, Lili, are eating something. 9 pm, she pulled five or six consecutive stomach. Yan Zhiyun not only did not go to the hospital with Lily, but Lily screw pulling ears, denounced: hips, legs severely beaten ... ... -
night, black and blue bursts of pain, Lili was tortured feel restless. Untold suffering to her left unsaid: Dad in February to work to earn money to go to Shandong. In fact the father at home, Lili, also could not escape being beaten and suffering from hunger, and my father than a mother is sometimes hard to start it. Zhang Lili most looking forward to her grandmother to her home neighborhood, every time sheets give her grandmother to have something to eat, and then have to ask this question on that interest, as well as mother of the brother. But she did not dare to speak and Zhang grandmother, my mother kept the fierce eyes stared at herself, she could only appreciate looking at him with tears in her grandmother kind of face sheets. -
Lili was unbearable thirst, then the voice said to his mother begging:
is watching Yan Zhiyun cursed impatiently; Lily only had two, mouth and leg pain due to hit, she had to put down the hands of the cup. -
Lily burst into
down on the bed, tears in her eyes quietly to sleep. At 1:00 on the 10th or so, she squatted and peed spittoon, a sudden take a look at this world; her mouth is also a great deal sheets, as if there are many Huayao Jiang. However, she could no longer see eye nitrile, and her mouth never said anything. -
poor little Lily was dead. Yan Zhiyun to avoid accusations of the people, the body quickly Paxia tattered clothes, hurriedly put Lily lifetime and never want to wear through most of the new underwear, but she mutilation, abuse, evil can not cover up her daughter The. -
When the autopsy unlock the expert staff of public safety when Lili's underwear, could not believe my eyes: 5 year old child less than 95 cm tall, a Road ribs seems that thin layer of pork skin to the top broken bones on the bottom of the two towering, yellow thin hair was pulled pulled too different lengths; Lili's body except feet, but again could not find a place where there is no scar, and some places even ulceration flowing pus water; her lips and chin were too hot to turn the skin, hands and feet nails become dark due to severe bleeding, and even the children outside the **** is scarred. In the Lily family, public safety experts, who also from the closet in a corner under the Lily found a lifetime paved wool blankets, above left trail of blood - who believe that these biological mother Yan Zhiyun hand? -
Lily two years ago, she could not help but think of the mouth being sewn that screen scene: -
It was the evening of 10 December 1990, a neighbor girl Ma Xiuqing to borrow circuit fuse Yan Zhiyun home, she found a door Lily kneel on the rub board, clothing, Yan Zhiyun strongly physically block her view. Ma Xiuqing abuse has long been seen and heard too little daughter Yan Zhiyun act, action today, caused by the abnormal swallow her doubts, she threw open the Yan Zhiyun; suddenly aghast: only 3-year-old Lily mouth is Bulked yarn sewing needle 4, and the yellow line is red with blood, was tied in the thread also talks about the long, hanging, Lily's tears as a broken string of beads, the chest are soaked in the ... ... - ;

this cruel scene appalling, Ma Xiuqing twisting run home, lying in bed and cried. One asked why the family horse, surprised and angry, and immediately to the neighborhood committees reflect this situation. -
neighborhood Zhang Yuying, who rushed to Yan Zhiyun home, saw the frail look Weidun Lili, two have been tapped on his neck was bleeding, nose and bruising around the marks on the cheeks, upper and lower lips There are 4 distinct punctate bleeding spots. More people sad is that cold day Lily ShuJiu dilapidated single-wearing underwear, feet wearing sandals. When Zhang grandma take off her sandals and found Lily cold feet swelling, pus and blood dirty socks were glued to the feet, how tied down ... ... -
Yan Zhiyun for 3-year-old daughter eat chicken food and sewn her daughter's mouth, a sensation that evil one o'clock in Qinghai Plateau, the the reports. It condemned Yan Zhiyun. It stands to reason that she should come to realize, somewhat restrained, who knows more than two years, abused her daughter is still tragic, even more intensified. -
neighbors more than once had to discourage the abuse of her daughter's evil Yan Zhiyun; neighborhood cadres is driving her family have overcome the threshold, and then said good things do depend on, but everything is still in vain. Poor little Lily finally hands in her tragic death. -
read here, the reader can not help but be angry and asked: What is what people Yan Zhiyun, why does she repeatedly abused, tortured her own daughter do? -
Yan Zhiyun 32 years old this year, was originally a national footwear factory in Xining City in Qinghai Province's contract workers, Lili is her living and the violation of family planning policy. Units in order to avoid punishment for her, Lily has just born, just to put Lily's sister-feeding a baby. 40 days later, she was in Xining City area looking for a nanny Nanchuan, Lily sent the nanny home. However, Murder will, unit learned of the situation a year later, her dismissal. From then on she would stay home all day, Lili, returned from there, beside her nanny. -
Yan Zhiyun lost his job to Na Lili outlet. Lily was less than two years old, have not formed the physical ability to toilet themselves, often in bed and pants shit Laniao. Because this, Yan Zhiyun daughter mercilessly beaten and severely pinch pinch pinch Lily ****, is not bleeding to not let go ... ... Gradually, the constant fear of holding a Lily incontinence Sometimes Yan Zhiyun screaming for her, she will pull a pants scared feces. -
If Yan Zhiyun patiently for her daughter's education and induction, supplemented by the necessary treatment, incontinence of the disease is completely curable. However, as the mother's daughter, Yan Zhiyun Quedui constantly beaten, and diet restriction on Lily, limited water. Lily Yan Zhiyun provides meals to their own hands a small bowl to her and said, If Lily for -
Lily eating only two fist-sized bowl of noodles, bread or two small, often starving. Once she met while playing the rule of the aunt, he said to her: Cloud found Yan snatched bread, thrown on the ground, with broken foot after he kicked one foot to Lily, also criticizes the rule aunt Gouxue nozzle. Since then, Yan Zhiyun not let her step out of the house. -
hunger, Lili, kneeling in front of mother begged more than once: a good mother to Lily to eat, hungry Lili, Lili will no diaper pants, and Lily in the future be changed. However, her begging in return is looked down upon; because of hungry, she ate the steamed bun was Yan Zhiyun discovered, with a small hammer smashing her fingers and toes; because of hungry, she was caught eating chicken sewn mouth; because hunger, she ate the hot oil by pouring diesel ... ... cruel Yan Zhiyun would rather poison the white rice to feed the chickens, not to Lily to eat. -
the age of two, Lily is to wash your own underwear. In winter, her little hand is frozen like a little carrot, and sometimes pus bleeding wound dehiscence. In this way, her little hands is also often beaten by his mother. Once, she went down a spittoon, careless ballast in public toilets on the ice fall. Kind of neighborhood raised her and sent home. Lili was a bamboo then the relentless beat. Lili body scars small pile of new old, never been good. Winter, and Lili, in addition to being beaten by hunger, but also to endure the cold attacks. Qinghai Plateau is cold and long winter, the average temperature of about -10 ℃. 3 Lily family room, strapped to the south are two briquettes stoves, but these two are father and mother and brother, they all complain that her A man sat in the nightside cold and wet in the small north room, the body is a thin cover of the baby. -
when the mother is not distressed that their children, Dangdie the same. Lily's father was busy working out to make money, a son of a leisure Zhigu and affectionate, giving Lily only reprimanded and beaten mercilessly. One day last year, Lily was squatting in the toilet a number of long, he rushed into the toilet, playing with his daughter playing with towed back to the home. Yan Zhiyun Lily's mouth being sewn condemning the couple did not seem seriously. -
In the interview, we also Yan Zhiyun the only primary school education level of legal literacy sad: when someone has repeatedly discouraged her from the abuse of a child, she took out the ability to bitch squalling cried: how to how to fight ready to fight, you bugger! count their own children to fight illegal -
popular indignation the atrocities! -
If you also condemned the atrocities committed by this woman, please reprint this comment! -
to commemorate small Suli, please reprint this article! -
not transfer the deadly! ! ! -
do not believe you try! -

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The whole site if you do not hundred been to , you're OUT of ! ! ! day you read a enough ! ! !

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Health study section of the plan for the arts (we really need )

Master of Arts in previous years, the national graduate entrance examination scores:
a Class: English 45, political 68, Total 320 (professional two, not test math)
b Class: English 41, political 62, Total 310 (professional two, not test math)
c Class: English 39, Political 59, Total 305 (professional two, not test math)
In addition, 34 institutional autonomy, nor does reference to this marks.
* a class of candidates: candidates located in the admissions unit of a district candidate.
* b class candidates: candidates located in the Second District candidates admissions unit.
* c class candidates: ① apply for admission units located in three districts of the candidates; or ② the current orientation in the three areas of employment and training Huiyuandanwei candidates or commissioned.
one district, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong and other 11 provinces (municipalities);
Second District, Department of Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other 10 provinces (municipalities);
three flora of Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang and other 10 provinces (autonomous regions).

with Graduate School of Arts and Design:
Beijing Institute of Clothing Donghua University Beijing Institute of Technology Southeast University
Fujian Normal University, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts of Guangxi Normal University, Harbin, Hefei University of Technology
Hunan, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts University of the North East China University of
Art Institute of Jilin University, Jilin Jiangnan University
Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Kunming University of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts of Inner Mongolia Normal University, Nanchang, Nanjing Arts Institute
Qingdao University, Tsinghua University,
Shanghai University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Sichuan University, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts
Tianjin University, Tianjin, Suzhou University, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
University Tongji University Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Xi'an University of Architecture, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts
Southwest Jiaotong University Zhejiang University
Zhejiang Institute of Tsinghua University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing Construction Engineering Technology College and other institutions in Beijing and Environmental Art better choice. 211 engineering schools and Academy of Fine Arts is very competitive. Over the line as long as the other institutions can generally accepted, much to adjust to record full.

Kaoyan goals:
Kaoyan plan: Under normal circumstances in the junior summer that started in July to prepare, this time from six months to test, time enough. REMEMBER: Once you start hands-on preparation, we must devote all our energies, to ensure that at least 8 to 10 hours every day of the review time.

review plan】 【
(1) collect information gathering stage
① 1 月 Postgraduate Entrance Examination, listen to free lectures.
② 2-3 月 determine Kaoyan goals, listen to lectures Kaoyan situation. Choice of profession, a comprehensive understanding of professional information reported. For review.
(2) the initial stage (first round of review)
first round of the review aims to comprehensively reinforce the foundation. English review of basic and long-term characteristics, and specialized courses the cumbersome, so the first round of the English language and professional review of the arrangements in the initial stage. Political review can be suspended, such as publication of the new program before entering the first round of review.
① 4-5 月 first round of review, with emphasis on English-based review.
② 6 月 full attention Kaoyan public class syllabus, counseling buy the latest book in preparation for the summer review.
(3) strengthening phase (the second round of review)
review of all subjects are scheduled for the second round of strengthening period. This phase transfer from the comprehensive review of key special review based on key subjects and difficult to refine and master; while paying attention to problem-solving skills training.
① 7-8 月 review to develop a comprehensive plan to begin the second round of review. Can participate in a formal and authoritative tutorial classes held at the University have chosen to do the necessary topics.
② 9 Feb Concern for the brochure of the recruiting institutions and professional programs, purchase of specialized courses counseling book, contact instructor for course test information.
③ 10 月 Golden Week review plan to determine, on the first two stages of review for summary. At the same time, began to review the major courses may apply to a long-term system the review. This time it was the time of online registration.
④ 11 10-14 at the scene confirmed that enrollment, the start of graduate test registration, registration, fill in special wish.
(4) sprint (the third round of review)
review at this stage to solve two problems: First, the summary, sublimation refining, leak filled, the second is to strengthen the test training.
① 11 mid-to late third round of the review stage, politics, English, specialized in the sprint review, purchase counseling sprint internal data.
② 12 months - in January the following year simulation training, doing finishing exam.
(5) first test phase
1 Linkao attitude adjustment earlier this month, preparing for the exam. Familiar with the test environment.
(6) for re-examination stage
① 2 月 relax, check first test results.
② 3 Feb Concern retest scores.
③ 4 月 ready to re-examination, contact the Admissions unit.
④ 5 Feb Concern retest results.

skills】 【review
(1) the first round of review strategy and specialized courses in English
the first round of review are arranged in the initial period, the foundation for English learning and long-term characteristics, and professional courses are many and complex, is large, so the first round of review sooner rather than later. Do not worry that only a political review, because the revised test center has not completed, the new framework has not yet introduced, so the arrangements to strengthen during the period July, so that overhead.

focus Kaoyan English vocabulary, basic grammar, and reading comprehension training should begin. There would be no change in grammar, vocabulary, although the outline is amended every year, but little change, so look for this year's Many students just test CET6 level at this stage, due to the difficulty of 6 and Kaoyan roughly the same vocabulary is similar, it can be combined review.
② Specialized
apply the professional school, and to make use of conventional teaching, a lot to learn professional courses. Multi-disciplinary or inter-apply, and then to start a system of professional review courses, if possible, should attend a number of important specialized courses.
the first round of comprehensive review is mainly to reinforce the foundation, so the main basis for using the course materials, plus some for the first round of review the information, you can also select some laying the foundation of long-term preparatory classes to classes or to recharge. Politics a bit different, one can choose a schedule start remedial classes longer, can take into the review track.
(2) the second round of review strategy
review of all subjects are scheduled for the second round of strengthening period. Strengthen the review period is Kaoyan prime time, the middle of a summer, no curriculum interference, the review time to the most concentrated, and other learning tasks are also the lightest. Strengthen the review of the key stage is Kaoyan, PubMed results good or bad depends largely on the stage of the review results. Some students even better foundation stage from the beginning of the pro forma review, but also successful. So, how to effectively use the four-month review time? The key is to complete two tasks: First, subjects focus on refining and difficult to grasp; second phase will have the knowledge into practical problem-solving ability.
① political
political review, and the second round of the first round of review are closely linked and are arranged in the enhancement phase. A key focus of this phase of refining the basic theory of each course and important findings, and examination of knowledge points, in particular, is a new test sites and newly built test sites; for interdisciplinary cross-section or even a preliminary comprehensive knowledge points. Second year of major political and current affairs related to the combination of basic theory, such as

vocabulary in English, should grasp the meaning has been largely based on the beginning understanding of the usage, in particular, and the habit is fixed with the other focused on addressing the long sentences, to master a variety of sentence patterns, study section 1 The Considerable amount of this phase of the kinds of questions must be specific exercises to consolidate by doing problems.
② Specialized
this stage to increase the amount of public courses, specialized courses will be less intensity of review. The task of this stage is the logical framework of the professional courses on the order, established in the minds of the professional system. Another point is to collate and analyze the beginning of expertise according to thematic content. The second round of review to buy some good quality data intensive review, and if possible look at the public course on remedial classes. Recommended summer do not, even going back, certainly not more than a week, after all, home is a place for recreation, not learn. Every year, people swear by home to learn the results proved to be most self-deception.

(3) The third round of the sprint review strategy

subjects were started during the third round of review. General exam around two months, marked by mid to late 10's review of current political content of the basic OK. A matter of course at this stage had to consolidate the content review, and further summarized, sublimation refining, leak filled, firmly grasp the key and difficult; the same time, to the knowledge and ability has been transformed into the surface of the final score of volumes, but also That is, to strengthen the test training.
① political
make efforts in two ways. First, the basic theory of politics and current events combined, and second, the answer method of training to strengthen skills of. Current Politics and the combination of the basic theory of politics has always been a hot test, so you need a good summarized, recommendations on appropriate approaches to sprint classes. Do not do a lot of simulation questions, because the answer to the lack of strict criteria, it is difficult to make an accurate evaluation of the simulation results, if the simulation run into some bad problems, perhaps even misleading.
② English
sprint review stage also has two important tasks, one for a large number of model test exercises, the second is to strengthen the training of essay writing. The strengthening of essay writing, the first proposition of the possible range of predicted. Directions composition proposition is not rare, not very professional, usually in close contact with school life, or to reflect the current hot social issues, to look at some topics like writing books, such as writing 160, including the topics are: stay healthy, how to read, environmental protection, arbitrary commitment, competition and cooperation, networks have a range of out of question. Learned about the scope of these after reading some more consciously related articles, familiar with the ideas, sentences, vocabulary, and more you begin writing, in the examination room can be enlightened approach.

(4) mode with a review of test subjects and mathematics
public review in the third round of the preliminary arrangements with a model test, usually in November. 're Here to set mode test with, because after two rounds of review, need to look through formal examinations to detect for early detection of problems and timely adjustment of the third round of the review plan; but also because of the approaching examination, it is necessary to add some practical experience . Mode test has two modes, one mode of self examination, to find a simulation questions, arrange a time to test their own; second class to participate in test mode. Mode has the advantage of a formal class test venue, strict invigilation, the official answer sheet and answer sheet, realistic combat atmosphere, the levels detected are very true; same mold test class also targeted the comments, the participants according to average estimates their relative levels.

a specific plan, and determination. Do not be afraid PubMed
target set too high, because on the one hand, the state Kaoyan more lenient policy, year after year the enrollment has let the experts feel that the question should not be very difficult! On the other hand, after the entrance of that layer of screening, much less your competitors, but many experts either graduated abroad, or looking for work, or walks, then you almost no effective competitors! At this time, is to be determined, believe in yourself! Finally, is the goal once determined, must not be altered, the target areas to withstand the temptation. Therefore, according to their interests and strengths of each channel to find out positive messages, quickly deciding the professional and college! (This should be in March identified!!)
II program.
generally be divided into three or four stages, according to their own circumstances and the lessons to grasp the situation, a reasonable allocation of time planning. The first stage, playing solid foundation! The second stage, the first purchase of various types of books. Then, based on the outline requirements focus on a comprehensive review, review, achieve excellence, refinement of the master to each knowledge point and flexible use! The third phase, the exam is about forty days, to sum up, to do simulation, familiar routines. The last ten days, crazy back to politics. Then, plan to implement the specific month, every week, every day. Since that day, think about today's most important is what to read, how many questions and other tasks done! Imagine the best prospects for a better future! Always maintain a positive full heart, a little bit of progress every day!
III atmosphere.
is to find his comrades, not boyfriend and girlfriend Oh! Set all of the director, adopt all of the information, encourage each other! To deal with the team in good faith, do not hide anything, let talk about anything around a core issue for discussion around a common goal! The best, keep out of the regular In fact, at noon and dinner time is the best of times.
IV, on the course.
Kaoyan is a process, step by step process, with the lapse of time, the problem is not any problem! Never download any video of remedial classes, and never listen to those so-called master-level courses the teachers, both time-consuming and expensive effort, and eventually found are all lies! Can be as long as the basic information, such as examinations, what to bring, how to prepare, in various stages of review and politics! The facts show that those who called the country's leading training institutions are in the Bluff!

Kaoyan Reference:
Super practical.
It is also the title for four consecutive years The main reason for writing hits.
guide book
interaction point (0 publication)
No one published opinion, you do not do the first one?

Never explain yourself to anyone ( this I like )

1, Never explain yourself to anyone because
people like you do not need
not like you will not believe
2, do not let someone become a priority in your life when you are just an option in their life time.
; relationship between people only when they are balanced, work best
3, wake up every morning, we have two simple choices
Go back to sleep and dream or wake up and chase a dream

choice in your hands
4, we always make people care for us and we cry
total for those who never care about our people cry
And we care for those who will never cry for us who
is present in real life, strange but true
; Once you know, change is not too late
5, do not commit itself in joy am not in sorrow
Do not make the answer
make a decision when angry
think twice and make wise behavior < br> 6, the time is like water
you never touch the same water as it has been passed twice
The water will not come again
enjoy life every moment!
7, when you keep saying you are very busy, will never be room for
When you keep saying you have no time, will never get the time
When you keep saying it do it tomorrow, your tomorrow will never come
Some people have no chance to see, and so have the opportunity to met, but hesitated, seeing as seen.
has not had a chance to do some things, so have the opportunity, but do not want to do it again.
buried in the hearts of some words for a long time, no opportunity to say, so have the opportunity to say when, say not exported. Love has no chance
some love, so have the opportunity, does not love.
many opportunities to meet some people, and are always looking for an excuse to shirk, to see the time had no chance.
Some words have many opportunities to say, but think of a later date, say the time has no chance. There are many opportunities
some things to do, but day by day delay, when they found not want to chance.
some love to you many opportunities, but do not care do not care, would like to emphasis the time had no opportunity to love.
Sometimes life is always very sarcastic.
I, may be a turn.
that good forever, I do not know how to scattered. After much deliberation finally turned himself was not sure what the reasons had separated each other.
Then you suddenly wake up feeling is so fragile.
withstand wind and rain, but it can not withstand the ordinary; storm with the ship, fine then each dispersed.
may be only a fit of anger, perhaps only because the small things.
sweet fantasy and good, or hug when they met again, that time will beat the other side edge tears, still giggle with. It is a beautiful picture.
did not think that was actually not a lifetime.
Thus, each have their own lives, their love other people. Loved each other, it is now independent of each other.
even in the same small city, nor did it meet again.
one day at a certain moment, walking in the same street, can not see each other. First sigh, then helpless.
Perhaps you are happy, because to find another suitable person.
Maybe you're not happy, because you may only the gifted the true intentions of the man in you.
long, long time, not each other's news, they no longer think this person is not going to thought.
We are not saints, but can pretend to be saints, with a positive life **, but you hurt yourself!